At For de Arts, we endeavor to create and support innovative theatrical experiences that start with the heart and affects the mind.
This encompasses everything from coordinating initial readings or viewings of your work to collaboratively creating vehicles to ignite discussions on issues that affect women, minorities and LGBT communities.
Producing amazing new work not only provides opportunities for performers who are marginalized in the mainstream artistic community, but speaks to that community as well.

What is THE FANTASTICAL...? an ongoing, ever-evolving, interactive and improvisational theater/social science experiment. Time Traveling Victorian Anthropologists Cecily Marlborough and Gwendolyn Hamm lead audiences on a gently interactive, thoroughly improvised expedition through the Jungles of Modern American Culture.In each Fantastical.. a group of playfully engaged strangers discover the lost magic of everyday life as they transform into a community of of Modern American Culture.

"It just takes one woman to walk in another woman’s shoes. What would happen if nine women, unbelievably different in their social, political and spiritual views were to meet for an unexpected encounter that just might change their lives forever? In her new play The Roundtable, Sarah Kiefer, in a tour de force performance, transforms herself to explore them all.

The comedic one woman show is inspired by the writer/performer's life as an African American Woman struggling to fit in to preset notions of what an African American Woman should be. In 45 minutes, the audience meets 4 characters and journeys through 10 years of growth and finally acceptance, as Tanesha deftly weaves comedy with disturbing truths in this exciting and thought provoking show.